Has nothing to do with time,
only acceptance.
A concept I never fully understood.
Trying to fall out of love with someone who
creeped through every idea, thought, noise, and scent
was like searching for a shooting star in a city that never sleeps.
Lines from a poem or lyrics from my favorite song,
it was you that I saw.
Nights being wrapped in somebody else’s arms,
it was still your hands infused in my heart.
Acceptance wasn’t a language I spoke.
Once i lost you,
my inspiration went along.
My words were fading,
my thoughts was aching.
Then one night, every enchanting thought
tumbled away from my mind.
It was the first time I realized
I didn’t love you anymore.
As much as I tried to recapture
those feelings,
they were gone.
And it was beautiful.
I finally accepted that what once consumed me
had officially dissolved
from my heart.
Once upon a time
you were my muse
but now you’re just another star
in a city that doesn’t belong.